In the overview below you will see all publications that guarantee the reliability of the DNA tests.
- 26-08-2022 Inflammatory immune-mediated adverse reactions induced by COVID-19 vaccines with soft tissue fillers
- 16-11-2021 RADAR: Goedkoop je fillers laten injecteren door een schoonheidsspecialist, verstandig?
- 21-10-2021 Over de groeiende populariteit van fillers en de daarmee verbonden risicos
- 22-04-2021 Scientific research into genetic predisposition to adverse reactions
- 20-01-2021 HLA combinatie in DNA kan zorgen voor complicaties
Scientific research into genetic predisposition to adverse reactions
22-04-2021The scientific article on the results of the research on how a specific combination of two HLAs are related to an increased risk for late onset immune mediated adverse reaction to fillers. The article was published in January 2021 and forms the basis for the development of the Bsure DNA test to predict the risk of having adverse reactions to fillers.
Naar Scientific research into genetic predisposition to adverse reactions